About Cloud Cabin Arts

All things have been directing me onto this path since I was a little boy contentedly learning to use woodworking tools in my grandfather’s workshop on the Outer Banks. It was his inspiration, as an architect, woodworker and teacher that helped me realize I had that eye; able to see the “inner landscape.” I became that kid who has to take everything apart, usually breaking it in the process and learning more by having to fix it. I tinkered and developed X-ray vision; able to see a piece of furniture as a blueprint in my mind.
By nature, I am an entrepreneur, an inventor, a lifelong learner, an artisan, so my ideal was to find a way to make a living within that realm.
At some point, after grandpa had passed on, after learning hand and CAD drafting in high school, and honing my woodworking skills, I let his simple lessons begin to guide me with more purpose. All I had to do was open a can of shellac and I would hear him telling me to "let the tool do the work" and "always start with a plan".
I had been shortcutting the creative and planning processes. Now, I always start a project with a drawing that grows into a clear idea for my clients and myself. Sharing a project vision, working out the specifics of not just the design but how it can be accomplished with respect for their home life and everyone’s time, on a firm schedule; that balance of imagination and practicality – my unique process - is key to rising above the rest.
I want to pick up where other shops drop the ball by being totally local. While working for a cabinetmaker in Richmond in the early 2000s, I had the chance to learn invaluable skills and be part of a community wide revitalization – turning abandoned warehouses into lofts and restaurants, restoring an historic theater, museum and courthouse.
That renewal effort is still going on, because it was all local contractors and suppliers, so the economy thrived. The idea of being able to contribute to a local economy, with my own business, doing what I love while making a living, is very exciting.
My business is about family as much as it is about anything else. My first step in starting out on my own was to learn business administration. My eye on the prize has been my young daughter, Nica. It had to be about more than building bookcases. The business needed to be just as solid and enduring as the pieces I craft.
The same applies to clients.
When I come into a customer’s life for a short time, I want everything about it to be positive. My vision is the be the guy people go to in the Charlottesville and central Virginia area when they want something built to make their life better, whether it’s to get organized in a way that adds value to their home, or maybe a big, solid dining table where friends and family can gather for generations.
When I achieve my customers’ goals for their families, I am achieving mine.